Public speaking is a talent that resides within each potential. This might make
you wonder, “why choose public speaking?”
Well there, here are some facets which after reading might change your mind.
Bolster Your Confidence
Public speaking is the 3rd greatest fear after snakes and heights! Although a
tinge of nervousness may arouse before giving your first speech, you will feel a
sense of accomplishment when it is finished. If you gave your speech well, you
can receive many positive comments from your audience, hence bolstering
your confidence. However, it is not a matter to get depressed if you receive
some recommendations. Instead, they will further aid you with your next
speeches. If you practice more, your oral communication skills are surely to
improve. As your skills improve, you would get more comfortable around
speaking with others.
Improves Your Researching Skills
With each step you take, the more you learn. Each speech has a purpose or say
a message to be delivered to your audience. Hence, it is essential to search
profoundly for your topics before choosing them. This will help you in future to
perceive whether the information is relevant and creditable to your data.
Critical thinking skills
Public speaking is a great way to develop critical thinking skills. As said earlier,
it requires profound analysis and a message for an audience to think upon at
the conclusion of your speech. Moreover, you need to tailor the message to fit
the needs of your audience. Speaking is all about thinking critical about your
speaking styles.
The style of persuasion
How do you plan on convincing your audience? That is the crucial feature of
public speaking. You need points to support your message that you intend to
give, an as optional can ask them their views for the same. It is a great
opportunity to influence your peers. It’s a good way of uniting opinions of the
audience and motivate them for the better.
Develops vocabulary and fluency
Giving an example of myself here, I was not a fluent speaker. However, the
club that I joined uplifted my spirits and motivated me by giving some key
pointers essential for my speech. With some practice, I became a fluent
speaker. As you get more comfortable with speaking skills, you will no longer
use common filler words we hear in everyday conversations.
Better listener
Listening is a lost art, but public speaking revives listening courses and helps
you become a better listener. How does this benefit? Hearing various speeches
helps you to learn different techniques applied by each individual speaker,
which might be useful for your future speeches.
Helps to overcome your fear
As I said earlier, fear of public speaking is very common. If you are not good
with social skills, you are likely not good with public speaking. If you practice
more, your fear will likely decrease. You will be more comfortable giving
Better at Impromptu speaking
When your called upon for narrating your experiences on an official meeting,
people tend to get nervous about what key points must be included during your short speech. When you are good with speaking skills, you will find yourself graciously accepting the offer for an impromptu speaking. This is a benefit as you will not be constantly worried about speaking in front of your audience.
“Are you convinced now?” Public speaking has so many factors upon which a
person can develop. So don’t wait for the opportunity to come, join Gavel Club
of Aundh to develop your speaking skill and be better at oral communication!
“When opportunity knocks, don’t keep it waiting!”
