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Four Pillars Of An Effective Speaking

Gv Samyag Shand

Have you ever heard a speech and found it really interesting? What do

you reckon that grabbed your attention in that speech? A speech might

contain a lot of information but still failed to hold the audience. In this

blog, I would like to share the 4 most important things an interesting

speech possesses.

1) Humor- Humor is a very important part of a speech. Laughter is a

key that connects you to your audience. And once the audience

stays connected to your speech the audience remembers your

ideas and points. Humor also keeps your audience energized and

engaged. That is why The Kapil Sharma Show is such a hit. A

famous American poet, Maya Angelou, said, “I’ve learned that

people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

2) Anecdotes & Quotes- Almost all interesting speeches have

anecdotes and quotes. But why do we need anecdotes you may

ask. Let me give an example. If you have a choice between

listening to a man speaking about a specific topic very straight- to

the point and reading a story about the same topic, what will you

choose? Well, most of the people would choose reading a story as

it would be more fun than listening a boring one liner. Quotes too

are important as when people hear something catchy but difficult

to understand they ponder upon those things which helps them

to remember points easily. Though you must also remember to

elaborate the quote if it’s too hard.

3) Gestures- Some times people make their speech look boring as

they don’t move at all and don’t have facial expressions. When

this happens the audience and the speaker is automatically

disconnected. Movements draw attention to what you’re saying.

Using gestures is not as easy as it looks. Sometimes when we are

giving a speech we shiver a lot if we are nervous and when we are

nervous our hands stop moving most of the time. Thus, having no

gestures can hint your audience that you are nervous which can

disconnect you from your audience.

4) Knowing your audience- Knowing your audience is a very needful

thing while writing a speech. You should know which type of

audience is going to show up. For example, if you are giving a

speech in a gavel club meet, you should know that you are going

to speak in front of children and write a speech appropriate to

that age group. You can’t go speaking about mutual funds or

something like that in front of children, they won’t understand

anything and they would not enjoy the speech.

To sum it all, it is very important to involve your audience in your

speech if you want them to follow what you say. Do try to incorporate

these 4 pillars in your speech structure and see how tall a building of

fanbase can you make.

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